Over 35 top experts on obesity, diet-related diseases and public health from some of the world’s leading universities have written to Treasury officials to support increasing the current HPL to 20%. They are also very impressed with the results of evaluations done on the current HPL.
Drinking liquid sugar in beverages and the extra calories a person takes in this way have been linked to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) like diabetes, hypertension, overweight and obesity. These are leading causes of death and disability in later life in South Africa.
South Africa’s HPL was the first major sugar-sweetened beverage tax based on grams of sugar. Researchers at the University of the Witwatersrand and the University of the Western Cape found that:
HEALA believes that Government now has plenty of evidence to prove that the HPL is working. It could do even more. The experience with the HPL shows that public health policies that increase the price of harmful products do reduce consumption.
Even more importantly, South Africans need to know what is in their food and drink so that they can make informed choices about healthy living and take control of their health.